February 12, 2004

Excuses, Excuses

I’ll attribute my lack of updating to a few factors. 1) Positively busy. Peace Corps is training our butts off…in a hot climate. We start at 8, go ‘til 5, with lunch and a few sugar breaks thrown in. 2) lack of internet. We train on a farm outside the city, so I’d have to invest 8 pesos on a roundtrip on the jeepney. As I mentioned, exhaust fumes in The Philippines are stifling. If you want to play along at home, get as sweaty as you can and then cover your face in dirt. Would you use the Internet after that? So far it’s my biggest pet peeve I dislike about The Philippines. The other thing I don’t appreciate is the roasted pigs that have appeared and will appear at important celebrations. How can people just yank an ear off a dead animal and chew it down? Mike Tyson anyone? 3) Inoculations. They give us as many jabs as possible. The forearm tenderness makes it uncomfortable to type. But at least I won’t get Japanese encephalitis.

I know this communiqué ain’t terribly informative, but I figured if anyone is worried, the worrying can stop. Maybe on Sunday I’ll find time and initiative to fill you in on my homestay family and their pets as well as how I got lost going to the farm, and why I’m trying hard to avoid Coca-Cola.

Posted by dbs at February 12, 2004 03:02 PM
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